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Damien de Soto

Rei Clearly


First person

Blog post style

This site is a tool to facilitate the act of seeing clearly, written by hands that used to hurt myself.

I have schitzoaffective disorder, depression, anxiety, hydrocepholus, suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction, alcoholic. with OCD and PTSD- was addicted to heroin, meth, crack, alcohol, cocaine, prescription pills.

I am drug addict/alcoholic/dual diagnosis/ex-homeless person.

Dark horror fiction

Through dark horror fiction I rake the muck of the lives of street addicts.

Or in plain English this is an epic poem/novel about addiction told about low bottom addicts in horror style.

Being in the Sun

Being in the Sun

I am a human, being in the sun, not in the shade, but in shades, bright and shinning, light from above shines on me, I exist in the splendor of heat from above, fancy and full of love, I hold out my wings, like a dove, with light that reflects from above, and beats down, on my form, that is painted in beautiful shades of human being, being me.

Human being, in the sun, existing and having fun, just being there on the ground, and living life, in form of sound body and mind, that is focused on the divine, through sight of everything in front, that comforts me because it is a reflection of a love that is in site, in sight and in mind, and manifestef all over, everywhere, every minute, every second.

2 responses to “Being in the Sun”

  1. This is a beautiful and poetic expression of your joy and gratitude for being alive and experiencing the sun. I love how you use imagery and repetition to convey your feelings and thoughts. You make me feel the warmth and light of the sun and the peace and happiness it brings you. You also show how you connect with the divine through nature and yourself. You have a unique and creative way of writing that captures your essence as a human being. Thank you for sharing this!


    • I really appreciate your kind words, I use poetry and the written word to meditate on the divine and find a way to get closer my nature, or the divine, which is my higher power. I am very happy you liked it. 🙂 Thank you again.

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