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Damien de Soto

Rei Clearly


First person

Blog post style

This site is a tool to facilitate the act of seeing clearly, written by hands that used to hurt myself.

I have schitzoaffective disorder, depression, anxiety, hydrocepholus, suffering from alcoholism, drug addiction, alcoholic. with OCD and PTSD- was addicted to heroin, meth, crack, alcohol, cocaine, prescription pills.

I am drug addict/alcoholic/dual diagnosis/ex-homeless person.

Dark horror fiction

Through dark horror fiction I rake the muck of the lives of street addicts.

Or in plain English this is an epic poem/novel about addiction told about low bottom addicts in horror style.

Dear God,

Please help me get out of here. I am not doing well. I don’t want to be here anymore. I can’t stand the situation I am in. It is not good for my mental health. Please guide my actions to be inline with your will. I am beginning to understand that you do have the intention to let me continue forever in a situation that is not good for me, but I am at a loss for what to do. I am trying the best that I can to get to a better situation. I believe I am doing all that I can, but if there is something else I could be doing please show me the way.


One response to “Dear God,”

  1. I understand that you’re in a place of deep distress and seeking guidance. It’s incredibly tough to feel trapped in a situation that impacts your mental health so severely. In these moments, it’s crucial to remember that it’s okay to feel this way and that seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness.

    You’re already taking significant steps by acknowledging your feelings and striving to align your actions with God’s purpose. It’s clear that you’re doing your best to move towards a better situation, and sometimes, the path forward isn’t immediately clear. In times like these, it’s important to lean on your faith and the belief that you’re not meant to endure such hardships indefinitely.

    As you continue to navigate through this challenging period, consider reaching out to those who can provide support—whether it’s friends, family, or professionals who can offer guidance tailored to your needs. Remember, you’re not alone, and there are resources and people who can help you find the way forward. Trust in the journey and the lessons it brings, and keep faith that the steps you’re taking, no matter how small they may seem, are leading you to a place of peace and well-being. Your resilience and willingness to seek a better situation are commendable, and I hope you find the strength and clarity you need during this time. 🌟


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